Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The alfred24 API allows both logistics and ecommerce partners to utilise the wider alfred24 platform, including smart lockers and pick-up/drop-off (PUDO) points. Access to the alfred24 API will be granted upon provision of a developer account by your alfred24 representative. This account may be used to obtain a bearer token for use with the system. Through using the alfred24 API, you will be able to create and assign shipments to an alfred24 point of your choosing.
The result of each request is displayed in the HTTP response header, which contains the standard status codes:
HTTP Status Code | Description |
2xx Success | The request was successfully received and proccessed by alfred24 |
4xx Client Error | This indicates there is an error in the payload |
5xx Server Error | This error occurs when alfred24 is unable to carry out an action |
More detailed error messages are listed under each endpoint.
All users of the alfred24 API must use a bearer authorization token in the header for each request.
This method is used to authenticate a User based on username and password.
Upon successful call an accessToken will be generated that may be used for other API methods.
username required | string |
password required | string |
{- "username": "Partner",
- "password": "888888"
{- "userId": "4f6296c2-2de1-488a-945e-b27299603961",
- "username": "Partner",
- "nickname": null,
- "mobile": "",
- "token": "FeimhHNjeqDoS0KBUze8VSraUgTlp1jwHDPwb7jrdOk279AlqwmaMEvf3NLvRIOD",
- "providerId": null,
- "roles": [
- {
- "roleId": "7501f8ee-47bb-11e8-9a32-f40f242f1bf4",
- "name": "SUPER_ADMIN",
- "description": "all"
], - "authoritySet": [
], - "merchantName": "Company Example",
- "merchantId": "cfe4680b09ab11e58bdb0242ac110001",
- "merchantStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "accountType": null,
- "companyType": "OPERATOR",
- "projectEnvironment": "PROJECT",
- "languagePreference": null
loginType | string Example: loginType=BACKEND |
[- {
- "roleId": "3fe1593f-ec23-4c0d-8f6d-fcc8a0a55029",
- "nickname": "Merchant staff (Pickup)",
- "labels": [
- "01c1c982-1ce9-4e03-8139-03b616212a17"
], - "label": "Merchant(Pickup)",
- "name": "GXGE_ZJMJ",
- "description": null,
- "loginType": "BACKEND",
- "creationTime": 1590726961668,
- "lasUpdatedTime": 1594636978389
companyType | string OPERATOR, LOGISTICS or MERCHANT |
merchantName | string The company name. |
productIds | Array of arrays A list of products available to a company. |
merchantStatus | string ACTIVE || INACTIVE |
merchantId required | string The UUID of the company. |
{- "companyType": "OPERATOR",
- "merchantName": "KFC2",
- "productIds": [ ],
- "merchantStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "merchantId": "61adca38-5b88-4f40-a06e-c8142f7aae8b"
[- {
- "merchantId": "06616c2e-e450-4885-a666-ed4ce9a40e38",
- "createdBy": "5b9f9f19-c43a-4028-adad-7e4d03af03be",
- "grade": 0,
- "merchantStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "deleteFlag": false,
- "sendCreatedNotifyFlag": false,
- "creationTime": 1657678569710,
- "updateTime": 1691030306038,
- "lastUpdatedTime": 1690165102992,
- "merchantName": "SAMPLE COMPANY",
- "merchantCode": "840418",
- "merchantCodeChain": "796509.840418.",
- "decsription": null,
- "upperGradeId": "97e08a92-c094-40f9-b0a9-a370a8d14551",
- "upperGradeName": "SAMPLE PARENT COMPANY",
- "streetAddress": "1 Kin Hong St",
- "houseNumber": null,
- "districtId": null,
- "website": null,
- "currency": "HKD",
- "groupName": null,
- "merchantTypes": [ ],
- "functionGroupId": null,
- "productIds": [ ],
- "lockerGroupids": [
- "0cbd0340-08c4-4cab-8fde-b97f7ebac5ee"
], - "productCategoryIds": [
- "bbd95b8f-ff6f-4a14-9e9b-2249384b21ae"
], - "productGroupIds": [
- "df9c5035-b2cf-46ed-9e51-48e5b0452b73"
], - "priceGroupIds": [
- "78a74072-e645-4c56-b2a4-9a4a81c555bd"
], - "packageLogisticsId": null,
- "warehouseAddress": null,
- "distributionLogisticsId": null,
- "contractFileId": null,
- "contractFileName": null,
- "contractStartTime": null,
- "contractEndTime": null,
- "contractExpiringTime": null,
- "contractExpiringDays": null,
- "notifyContractingExpiringSwitch": false,
- "smsProviderId": null,
- "emailproviderId": null,
- "whatsAppProviderId": null,
- "orderNumberRegExp": null,
- "csMail": null,
- "csMobile": null,
- "initialRoleIds": [
- "063ef040-272b-4b30-8d7d-6c81192f43cf"
], - "labels": null,
- "initialUserId": "028ff6a7-1cf1-4354-aaea-b0d0a75279d9",
- "initialUserName": "USERNAME",
- "agentFirstName": "John",
- "agentLastName": "Smith",
- "agentMobile": null,
- "commercialMail": null,
- "preMerchantId": null,
- "ifGenerateExpressNumber": null,
- "financeMail": null,
- "merchantType": null,
- "collectSiteId": null,
- "companyType": "LOGISTICS",
- "monthlyVolume": null,
- "accountType": null,
- "serviceType": null,
- "logisticsServiceType": null,
- "companyName": null,
- "businessRegistration": null,
- "certificateImageId": null,
- "certificateImageName": null,
- "companyLogoName": null,
- "companyLogoId": null,
- "emailSendTime": null,
- "isSelectInSignUpFlag": null,
- "collectionAreaType": "COMMERCIAL",
- "level3AriaId": null,
- "promoCode": null,
- "isWareHouse": false,
- "merchantStatusIfUpdated": null,
- "isResendEmail": null,
- "resendEmailTime": null,
- "productCategory": null,
- "platform": null,
- "agent": null,
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
firstName | string The user's first name. |
lastName | string The user's last name. |
username required | string The username of the user. |
roleIds required | Array of arrays The UUID of roles applied to this user. |
userStatus | string ACTIVE || LOCKED |
merchantId required | string The UUID of the company this user belongs to. |
password required | string The user's password. |
phoneNumber | string The user's phone number. |
loginCode | string A string which can be converted to a 1D or 2D barcode and scanned at the locker to authenticate. |
[- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Nazwisko",
- "username": "ad_login2",
- "roleIds": [
- "7501f8ee-47bb-11e8-9a32-f40f242f1bf4"
], - "userStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "merchantId": "20bb3265-14b7-465a-9338-c9428d6b7319",
- "password": "123qwe",
- "phoneNumber": "76348354",
- "loginCode": "72e2829e-e2e2dw2rye-22e2e2e2e-2332-rf3e2e"
[- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Nazwisko",
- "username": "ad_login2",
- "roleIds": [
- "7501f8ee-47bb-11e8-9a32-f40f242f1bf4"
], - "userStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "merchantId": "20bb3265-14b7-465a-9338-c9428d6b7319",
- "userId": "d7d95c04-cace-4a82-b6a4-a9f32d966423",
- "phoneNumber": "76348354",
- "loginCode": "72e2829e-e2e2dw2rye-22e2e2e2e-2332-rf3e2e"
firstName | string The user's first name. |
lastName | string The user's last name. |
username | string The username of the user. |
roleIds | Array of arrays The UUID of roles applied to this user. |
userStatus | string ACTIVE || LOCKED |
merchantId | string The UUID of the company this user belongs to. |
password | string The user's password. |
userId required | string Unique UUID for user generated by system. |
phoneNumber | string The user's phone number. |
loginCode | string A string which can be converted to a 1D or 2D barcode and scanned at the locker to authenticate. |
[- {
- "firstName": "Robin",
- "lastName": "Parker",
- "username": "Robin01",
- "roleIds": [
- "6337a976-dbe0-476e-8869-51cd8350875f",
- "673c0f0d-839e-4b0f-af39-d5dae6ecb02c"
], - "userStatus": "LOCKED",
- "merchantId": "02f22e63-7214-47c3-8fb0-74377fc1de66",
- "password": "r#44e02!RtrdQ",
- "userId": "d7d95c04-cace-4a82-b6a4-a9f32d966423",
- "phoneNumber": 46372030,
- "loginCode": "72e2829e-e2e2dw2rye-22e2e2e2e-2332-rf3e2e"
[- {
- "firstName": "Robin",
- "lastName": "Parker",
- "username": "Robin01",
- "roleIds": [
- "6337a976-dbe0-476e-8869-51cd8350875f",
- "673c0f0d-839e-4b0f-af39-d5dae6ecb02c"
], - "userStatus": "LOCKED",
- "merchantId": "02f22e63-7214-47c3-8fb0-74377fc1de66",
- "userId": "d7d95c04-cace-4a82-b6a4-a9f32d966423",
- "phoneNumber": "46372030",
- "loginCode": "72e2829e-e2e2dw2rye-22e2e2e2e-2332-rf3e2e"
username | string Example: username=UserA |
status | string Example: status=ACTIVE |
merchantId | string Example: merchantId=06616c2e-e450-4885-a666-ed4ce9a40e38 |
[- {
- "firstName": "Robin",
- "lastName": "Parker",
- "username": "Robin01",
- "roleIds": [
- "6337a976-dbe0-476e-8869-51cd8350875f",
- "673c0f0d-839e-4b0f-af39-d5dae6ecb02c"
], - "userStatus": "LOCKED",
- "merchantId": "02f22e63-7214-47c3-8fb0-74377fc1de66",
- "userId": "d7d95c04-cace-4a82-b6a4-a9f32d966423",
- "phoneNumber": "46372030",
- "loginCode": "72e2829e-e2e2dw2rye-22e2e2e2e-2332-rf3e2e"
username required | string The user's username |
userId required | string The user's UUID. |
[- {
- "username": "ad_login2",
- "userId": "d7d95c04-cace-4a82-b6a4-a9f32d966423"
[- {
- "timestamp": "string",
- "error": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
This method is used to manifest Shipments to alfred24 2.0.
Note: Whenever an accessCode is provided, it will be set as the code that the Recipient must use to collect the parcel.
If an accessCode is not set, alfred24 2.0 will generate one for use.
serviceType required | string Available service types include "DELIVERY" and "RETURN". |
trackingNumber required | string Unique identifer; 8-40 capital letters or numbers only. |
additionalTrackingNumber | string For carriers with multiple shipment identifiers. |
referenceNumber | string Additional identifier for reference. |
locationId | string Unique identifier of alfred24 location. |
accessCode | string 6 or 8 number code for customer to access locker. If null system will generate. |
recipientPhone required | string Recipient phone number |
recipientEmail | string Recipient email address |
recipientAddress | string Recipient mailing address |
recipientName | string Recipient name |
recipientId | string The recipient's identifier used to deliver shipments |
note | string Any miscellaneous remarks |
charge | number COD charges |
weight | number Weight of shipment |
overdueTime | string Define the expiry time on shipment manifest |
[- {
- "serviceType": "DELIVERY",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "referenceNumber": "ecommerce_reference_number",
- "locationId": "TEST001",
- "accessCode": "123456",
- "recipientPhone": "536908434",
- "recipientEmail": "",
- "recipientAddress": "MyRecipientAddress",
- "recipientName": "John Smith",
- "recipientId": "ID123",
- "note": "Thank you for using alfred24",
- "charge": 0,
- "weight": 2.25,
- "overdueTime": "1637683200000"
{- "SUCCEED": [
- {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c98",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "errorMessage": null,
], - "BAD_PARAMETER": [ ],
Use this method to update a Shipment with new data.
trackingNumber required | string Unique identifer; 8-40 capital letters or numbers only. |
additionalTrackingNumber | string For carriers with multiple shipment identifiers. |
referenceNumber | string For sender's reference. |
locationId | string Unique identifier of alfred24 location. May only be updated when the shipment status is "CREATED". |
accessCode | string PIN code for customer to access locker. If null system will generate. |
recipientPhone | string Recipient phone number. |
recipientEmail | string Recipient email address. |
recipientAddress | string Recipient mailing address. |
recipientName | string Recipient name |
recipientId | string The recipient's identifier used to deliver shipments. |
note | string Any miscellaneous remarks |
charge | integer <int32> COD charges |
weight | number Weight of shipment |
expiryTime | string Update the expiry time of the shipment |
[- {
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "referenceNumber": "ecommerce_reference_number",
- "locationId": "TEST003",
- "accessCode": "123456",
- "recipientPhone": "536908434",
- "recipientEmail": "",
- "recipientAddress": "MyRecipientAddress",
- "recipientName": "John Smith",
- "recipientId": "USER234",
- "note": "Thank you for using alfred24",
- "charge": "0",
- "weight": "2.25 kg",
- "expiryTime": "1637683200000"
{- "SUCCEED": [
- {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c98",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "errorMessage": null
], - "BAD_PARAMETER": [ ],
Use this method to get Shipment information from the backend. It is possible to filter results by a specific status and/or from/to timeframes.
The statuses returned by alfred24 are as follows:
Status | Status Description | Notes |
CREATED | Created | Initial status of the shipment |
CANCELLED | Cancelled | Shipment has been cancelled |
PICKUP_REQUESTED | Pickup requested | A courier has been requested to pickup the shipment |
DROP_OFF_REQUESTED | Delivery Requested | The shipment will be dropped off at a warehouse by a merchant |
ARRIVED_AT_WAREHOUSE | Inbound | The shipment has been checked into a warehouse |
OUT_FOR_DELIVERY | Out for delivery | The shipment is out for delivery |
COURIER_STORED | Courier stored | The shipment has arrived at the designated location |
CUSTOMER_STORED | Customer stored | The shipment has been stored at the designated location (for RETURN shipments only) |
CUSTOMER_COLLECTED | Customer collected | The recipient has collected the shipment from the designated location |
COURIER_COLLECTED | Courier collected | A courier has collected the shipment from the designated location (for RETURN shipments only) |
OPERATOR_COLLECTED | Operator collected | The network operator has collected the shipment from the location |
RETURNED_TO_COURIER | Returned to courier | The shipment has expired and a courier has collected it from the location |
PICKUP_FAILURE | Pickup failure | The shipment was not successfully collected from the merchant |
STORE_FAILURE | Store failure | An error has occurred at the locker and the shipment was not successfully registered as stored |
SCHEDULED_FOR_DELIVERY | Change to delivery | The shipment has been rearranged for home delivery |
RETURNED_TO_SENDER | Returned to merchant | The shipment has been returned to the merchant |
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=100 Return limit count in rows. |
offset | integer Example: offset=10 Skip offset count of rows before return. |
status | string Example: status=COURIER_STORED Status of the Shipment at the given time. |
from | string Example: from=2019-07-01T09:00:00.000Z YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss.000Z |
to | string Example: to=2019-07-02T13:00:00.000Z YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss.000Z |
serviceType | string Example: serviceType=DELIVERY DELIVERY or SEND |
trackingNumber | string Example: trackingNumber=ALFREDPP201907161042TEST trackingNumber as per shipment identifier |
recipentPhone | string Example: recipentPhone=93793139 Recpient's phone number |
locationId | string Example: locationId=TEST001 Unique identifier of alfred24 location |
overdueFlag | boolean Example: overdueFlag=false Returns results which have "Expired" status. Valid inputs are 1 = expired, 0 = other status. |
userId | string Example: userId=JS100 Returns shipments which belong to this userId. |
[- {
- "limit": "1",
- "offset": "1",
- "currentPage": "1",
- "pageCount": "10",
- "totalCount": "10",
- "content": [
- {
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "referenceNumber": "ecommerce_reference_number",
- "status": "COURIER_STORED",
- "statusDescription": "Courier stored",
- "groupName": "",
- "statusTime": "2019-06-01T12:30:00.000Z",
- "statusTimeStamp": "1571986363517",
- "serviceType": "Delivery",
- "storeUser": null,
- "location": [
- {
- "locationName": "BaoanTestLocker",
- "locationId": "TEST001",
- "compartmentTypeName": null,
- "compartmentName": null
], - "recipient": [
- {
- "recipientPhone": "536908434",
- "recipientMail": "",
- "recipientName": "John Smith",
- "recipientId": "ID123"
], - "accessCode": "123456",
- "timeStored": null,
- "timeCollected": null,
- "timeOverdue": null,
- "company": [
- {
- "companyId": "f8907275-0763-47d4-92ec-1b5fe925fda3",
- "companyName": "alfred24"
], - "shortLink": "",
- "createTime": "2019-10-25T14:51:13+08:00",
- "creator": [
- {
- "createdBy": "Joe Dory",
- "createdUserId": "689865c7-bd04-47bb-99e2-10b672fa8330",
- "createdUserLoginName": "JoeDory"
], - "overdueFlag": false,
- "orderFlag": [
- "Test order",
- "Oversize"
Use this method to cancel Shipment(s) already manifested to the system. Shipments may only be cancelled when in the "CREATED" status.
shipmentId required | string Unique string generated upon shipment creation |
trackingNumber required | string trackingNumber as per shipment identifier |
[- {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c98",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST"
}, - {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c99",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161043TEST"
{- "SUCCEED": [
- {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c98",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST"
}, - {
- "shipmentId": "1939993a-5572-4950-8f4b-248a91d60c99",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161043TEST"
], - "BAD_PARAMETER": [ ],
Use this method to update specific fields of an already manifested Shipment.
trackingNumber required | string Unique identifier of shipment |
locationId | string The locationId as per alfred24 2.0 backend |
recipientPhone | string The recipient's mobile number |
accessCode | string The PIN send to end customer to collect from location |
expiryTime | string Update the expiry time of the shipment |
{- "locationId": "TEST002",
- "recipientPhone": "536908507",
- "expiryTime": "1637683200000"
{- "serviceType": "DELIVERY",
- "trackingNumber": "ALFREDPP201907161042TEST",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "PP201907161042",
- "referenceNumber": "ecommerce_reference_number",
- "recipientPhone": "536908507",
- "recipientEmail": "",
- "recipientAddress": "MyRecipientAddress",
- "recipientName": "John Smith",
- "note": "Thank you for using alfred24",
- "accessCode": "12345678",
- "charge": "0",
- "weight": "2.25 kg",
- "locationId": "TEST002"
These endpoints are to manage users who are displayed at the locker as recipients of unannounced parcels.
Create Mailroom Users is to generate shipment recipients.
firstName required | string First name of the recipient. May include alphanumerical characters and symbols. |
lastName required | string Last name of the recipient. May include alphanumerical characters and symbols. |
phoneNumber | string Maximum character limit is 40 characters. This is required if pushMethod is listed as "PHONE". |
string Must contain typical email format; it must contain an "@" and ".". This is required if pushMethod is listed as "EMAIL". | |
userId | string This is required if pushMethod is listed as "USER_ID". This field will be sent as a webhook, from which partners can communicate with end customers. |
pushMethod required | string This field dictates how communications with end customers are made. Available fields include EMAIL, PHONE, USER_ID. |
apartmentNumber | string The apartmentNumber field is used to identify recipients at the locker (if this is the method specified). |
locationId | Array of strings locationId restricts the lockers available to this recipient. Leaving this field empty will enable access to all locations. |
{- "firstName": "J***",
- "lastName": "D**",
- "phoneNumber": "+852 9357 1234",
- "email": null,
- "userId": null,
- "pushMethod": "PHONE",
- "apartmentNumber": 1011,
- "locationId": [
- "TEST001"
{- "mailroomId": "41f31edf-d128-416a-a033-f5004db6c017",
- "firstName": "J***",
- "lastName": "D**",
- "apartmentNumber": 1011,
- "recipientId": [
- {
- "phoneNumber": "+852 9357 1234",
- "email": null,
- "userId": null
], - "locationId": [
- "TEST001"
], - "errorMessage": ""
Update a recipient's details.
mailroomId | string The unique identifier of the recipient. It is returned in the create and query methods. |
firstName | string The first name of the recipient. |
lastName | string The last name of the recipient. |
phoneNumber | string The phone number of the recipient. Notifications will be sent to this phone number. |
string The email of the recipient. Notifications will be sent to this email address. | |
userId | string The assigned user ID of the recipient. This will be returned via webhook upon parcel status update. |
pushMethod | string Push method (EMAIL, PHONE, USER_ID) |
apartmentNumber | string The apartment number of the recipient. |
locationId | Array of strings A list if locations the recipient can receive shipments at. |
{- "mailroomId": "a3cbab66-d6f7-4f35-a919-23c4f473b954",
- "firstName": "J***",
- "lastName": "S****",
- "userId": "JS123",
- "pushMethod": "USER_ID",
- "apartmentNumber": "123B",
- "locationId": ""
- "SUCCEED": [
- {
- "mailroomId": "a3cbab66-d6f7-4f35-a919-23c4f473b954",
- "firstName": "J***",
- "lastName": "D**",
- "apartmentNumber": "123B",
- "recipientId": [
- {
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "email": null,
- "userId": "JS123"
], - "locationId": [ ],
- "errorMessage": ""
], - "BAD_PARAMETER": [ ],
Get All Mailroom Users is to get all recipients registered in the system.
page | integer <int32> Example: page=10 Results page. |
query | string Example: query=John Query string to search for |
size | string Example: size=10 Number of results on a page. |
sort | string Example: sort=lastUpdatedTime Sort results by the input parameters |
{- "content": {
- "mailroomId": "25f5a966-25f6-41d6-a543-289af6d8d6ec",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": null,
- "phone": null,
- "userId": "ABC123",
- "pushMethod": "EMAIL",
- "creationTime": 1632902872999,
- "createdBy": "a0c95232-e3cb-4ccf-bae3-25d5837aee66",
- "merchantId": "4028aa83667659ac0166851e1d1b000c",
- "company": "alfred24",
- "position": null,
- "lastUpdatedTime": 1632902872999,
- "deleteFlag": false,
- "siteId": [
- "53109a27-b872-4059-9fab-a28e3f26e6d2"
}, - "pagable": [
- {
- "sort": [
- {
- "sorted": true,
- "unsorted": false
], - "pageSize": 10,
- "pageNumber": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "unpaged": false,
- "paged": true
], - "last": true,
- "totalPages": 1,
- "totalElements": 1,
- "first": true,
- "sort": [
- {
- "sorted": true,
- "unsorted": false
], - "numberOfElements": 1,
- "size": 10,
- "number": 10
Delete a mailroom user based on mailroom User ID.
mailroomIds required | string Example: mailroomIds=632ca172-b0c5-2e14-2ec5-2571cd4fd3e5 mailroomId to delete a recipient |
- "SUCCEED": [
- "632ca172-b0c5-2e14-2ec5-2571cd4fd3e5"
], - "BAD_PARAMETER": [ ]
Methods listed under "Locations" allow users of the alfred24 API to obtain information for all alfred24 locations.
Get All Locations is used to obtain all locations from the backend system. Pagination may be used via offset or limit.
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=100 Return limit count in rows. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=25 Skip offset count of rows before return. |
locationId | string Example: locationId=ALF001 Search for locations by their ID. |
locationGroup | string Example: locationGroup=Meriton Search for locations by the group they are listed under. |
postalCode | string Example: postalCode=2209 Search locatons by postal code. Maximum length 10 characters. |
country | string Example: country=MyCountry Search locations by country. |
city | string Example: city=MyCity Search locations by city. |
province | string Example: province=MyRegion Search locations by province/state/territory. |
service | string Example: service=delivery Search locations by available services. |
locationType | string Example: locationType=ALFRED_LOCKER, ALFRED_POINT Search locations by location type. |
longitude | string Example: longitude=151.215168 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
latitude | string Example: latitude=-33.856873 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
distance | string Example: distance=1000 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates within a given radius. Distance is in metres. |
showApp | boolean Example: showApp=true Search by locations which are available for public viewing. |
{- "limit": 4,
- "offset": 4,
- "currentPage": 1,
- "pageCount": 4,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "pagination": [
- {
- "locationId": "Test1",
- "locationName": "MyCountry",
- "locationEn": null,
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": -37.6295727,
- "latitude": 145.0788713,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3752,
- "address1": "MyAddress1,",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": "MyAddress2",
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "3rd floor, to the right of the male restrooms.",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocationGroup1",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 2,
- "S": 4,
- "M": 2,
- "L": 4
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "D2019042401",
- "locationName": "Test2",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 123.89,
- "latitude": 78.9,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside 7-11, opposite the train station.",
- "companyId": "f8907275-0763-47d4-92ec-1b5fe925fda3",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocGroup7",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 4,
- "S": 2,
- "M": 15,
- "L": 1
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA545646",
- "locationName": "Test27",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_POINT",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": 112,
- "latitude": 115,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyCity",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside the post office",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 10,
- "S": 3,
- "M": 1,
- "L": 1
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA20190821",
- "locationName": "test101",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 110,
- "latitude": 112,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2600,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "decription": "Opposite the bench by the river.",
- "companyId": "efe63df7-91bb-46fb-8992-9892be6b28b0",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 1,
- "S": 1,
- "M": 5,
- "L": 11
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
Get All Locations is used to obtain all locations from the backend system. Pagination may be used via offset or limit. This method is limited to trusted partners only.
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=100 Return limit count in rows. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=25 Skip offset count of rows before return. |
locationId | string Example: locationId=ALF001 Search for locations by their ID. |
locationGroup | string Example: locationGroup=Meriton Search for locations by the group they are listed under. |
postalCode | string Example: postalCode=2209 Search locatons by postal code. Maximum length 10 characters. |
country | string Example: country=MyCountry Search locations by country. |
city | string Example: city=MyCity Search locations by city. |
province | string Example: province=MyRegion Search locations by province/state/territory. |
service | string Example: service=delivery Search locations by available services. |
locationType | string Example: locationType=PUDO, locker Search locations by location type. |
longitude | string Example: longitude=151.215168 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
latitude | string Example: latitude=-33.856873 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
distance | string Example: distance=1000 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates within a given radius. Distance is in metres. |
showApp | boolean Example: showApp=true Search by locations which are available for public viewing. |
{- "limit": 4,
- "offset": 4,
- "currentPage": 1,
- "pageCount": 4,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "pagination": [
- {
- "locationId": "Test1",
- "locationName": "MyCountry",
- "locationEn": null,
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": -37.6295727,
- "latitude": 145.0788713,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3752,
- "address1": "MyAddress1,",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": "MyAddress2",
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "3rd floor, to the right of the male restrooms.",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocationGroup1",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 2,
- "S": 4,
- "M": 2,
- "L": 4
], - "expectedToBeUnavailable": [
- {
- "XS": 3,
- "S": 2,
- "M": 10,
- "L": 1,
- "Unspecified": 14
], - "expectedToBeAvailable": [
- {
- "XS": 1,
- "S": 3,
- "M": 1,
- "L": 0
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "D2019042401",
- "locationName": "Test2",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 123.89,
- "latitude": 78.9,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside 7-11, opposite the train station.",
- "companyId": "f8907275-0763-47d4-92ec-1b5fe925fda3",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocGroup7",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 4,
- "S": 2,
- "M": 15,
- "L": 1
], - "expectedToBeUnavailable": [
- {
- "XS": 1,
- "S": 1,
- "M": 0,
- "L": 3,
- "Unspecified": 9
], - "expectedToBeAvailable": [
- {
- "XS": 0,
- "S": 5,
- "M": 1,
- "L": 2
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA545646",
- "locationName": "Test27",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_POINT",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": 112,
- "latitude": 115,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyCity",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside the post office",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 10,
- "S": 3,
- "M": 1,
- "L": 1
], - "expectedToBeUnavailable": [
- {
- "XS": 6,
- "S": 2,
- "M": 0,
- "L": 10,
- "Unspecified": 2
], - "expectedToBeAvailable": [
- {
- "XS": 2,
- "S": 9,
- "M": 3,
- "L": 1
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA20190821",
- "locationName": "test101",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 110,
- "latitude": 112,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2600,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "decription": "Opposite the bench by the river.",
- "companyId": "efe63df7-91bb-46fb-8992-9892be6b28b0",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": [
- {
- "XS": 1,
- "S": 1,
- "M": 5,
- "L": 11
], - "expectedToBeUnavailable": [
- {
- "XS": 1,
- "S": 1,
- "M": 5,
- "L": 0,
- "Unspecified": 2
], - "expectedToBeAvailable": [
- {
- "XS": 2,
- "S": 3,
- "M": 9,
- "L": 3
], - "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
Get All Locations is used to obtain all locations from the backend system. Pagination may be used via offset or limit.
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=100 Return limit count in rows. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=25 Skip offset count of rows before return. |
locationId | string Example: locationId=ALF001 Search for locations by their ID. |
locationGroup | string Example: locationGroup=Meriton Search for locations by the group they are listed under. |
postalCode | string Example: postalCode=2209 Search locatons by postal code. Maximum length 10 characters. |
country | string Example: country=MyCountry Search locations by country. |
city | string Example: city=MyCity Search locations by city. |
province | string Example: province=MyRegion Search locations by province/state/territory. |
service | string Example: service=delivery Search locations by available services. |
locationType | string Example: locationType=PUDO, locker Search locations by location type. |
longitude | string Example: longitude=151.215168 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
latitude | string Example: latitude=-33.856873 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates. |
distance | string Example: distance=1000 Search for locations by proximity to these coordinates within a given radius. Distance is in metres. |
showApp | boolean Example: showApp=true Search by locations which are available for public viewing. |
{- "limit": 4,
- "offset": 4,
- "currentPage": 1,
- "pageCount": 4,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "pagination": [
- {
- "locationId": "Test1",
- "locationName": "MyCountry",
- "locationEn": null,
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": -37.6295727,
- "latitude": 145.0788713,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3752,
- "address1": "MyAddress1,",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": "MyAddress2",
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "3rd floor, to the right of the male restrooms.",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocationGroup1",
- "availableCompartments": 46,
- "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "D2019042401",
- "locationName": "Test2",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 123.89,
- "latitude": 78.9,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 3000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside 7-11, opposite the train station.",
- "companyId": "f8907275-0763-47d4-92ec-1b5fe925fda3",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "locationGroup": "LocGroup7",
- "availableCompartments": 24,
- "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA545646",
- "locationName": "Test27",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_POINT",
- "service": [
], - "longitude": 112,
- "latitude": 115,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyCity",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2000,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "description": "Located outside the post office",
- "companyId": "7a08fbc3-7b39-4d2d-8b8b-63d83e54aab4",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": 4,
- "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
}, - {
- "locationId": "AA20190821",
- "locationName": "test101",
- "locationType": "ALFRED_LOCKER",
- "longitude": 110,
- "latitude": 112,
- "country": "MyCountry",
- "countryCn": "",
- "province": "MyRegion",
- "provinceCn": "",
- "city": "MyCity",
- "cityCn": "",
- "district": "MyDistrict",
- "districtCn": "",
- "postalCode": 2600,
- "address1": "MyAddress1",
- "address1En": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address2En": null,
- "operatingTime": null,
- "decription": "Opposite the bench by the river.",
- "companyId": "efe63df7-91bb-46fb-8992-9892be6b28b0",
- "companyName": "alfred24",
- "availableCompartments": 2,
- "detailHours": "",
- "displayHours": "",
- "displayHoursCn": ""
The webhook module enables alfred24 to send callback information to partners based on certain events occurring. The partner must provide alfred24 with a secure webhook notification URL.
Event Type | Description |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_INBOUND | This event is triggered when a shipment is scanned into an affiliated warehouse. |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_IN_STORE | This event is triggered when a shipment has been stored at an alfred24 location by an operator or courier. This event will trigger a notification to a customer if it is enabled. |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_CUSTOMER_TAKEN | This event is triggered when a customer has collected their shipment. |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_OPERATOR_TAKEN | This event is triggered when a shipment has been removed from an alfred24 location to be returned to the locker operator. This event will trigger a notification to the customer if it is enabled. |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_COURIER_TAKEN | This event is triggered when a shipment has been removed from an alfred24 location to be returned to the logistics service provider. This event will trigger a notification to the customer if it is enabled. |
FOR_CUSTOMER_STORE_IN_STORE | This event is triggered when a shipment has been deposited by a customer. This event is used for SEND shipments. |
FOR_CUSTOMER_STORE_COURIER_TAKEN | This event is triggered when a shipment has been collected by a courier. This event is used for SEND shipments. |
COMPARTMENT_DID_NOT_OPEN | This event is triggered when a customer reports a compartment door not opening, meaning the parcel is stuck in the compartment. |
COMPARTMENT_DIRTY | This event is triggered when a user reports a compartment as dirty at the locker. |
PARCEL_OVERSIZE | This event is triggered when a shipment has been reported as too large for the locker, requiring extra handling. |
LOCKER_FULL | This event is triggered when a shipment has been turned away from the locker due to the locker being full. |
EMPTY_COMPARTMENT | This event is triggered when a customer reports the compartment as being empty |
DIRTIED | This event is triggered when a compartment is marked as dirty |
CANNOT_OPEN | This event is triggered when a door has not opened and requires maintenance |
LOCKED | This event triggers when a door is locked either on the console or at the locker client |
AVAILABLE | This event is triggered when a compartment status is cleared, returning it to AVAILABLE |
LOCKER_DISCONNECTED | This event is triggered when the server cannot detect a signal from the locker client. |
COM_PORT_DISCONNECTED | This event is triggered when a cable has been disconnected from the IPCs COM Port. |
SCANNER_BROKEN | This event is triggered when a user signals the barcode/QR code scanner is not working at the locker client. |
DISK_USAGE_ALERT | This event is triggered when the IPCs hard disk is at 90% capacity |
LOCKER_75%_FULL | This event is triggered when only 25% of the lockers compartments are available. |
LOCKER_90%_FULL | This event is triggered when the locker only has 10% comaprtments remaining |
LOCKER_100%_FULL | This event is triggered when the locker has no compartments remaining |
In addition to the above trigger events, some triggers may overlap multiple events, such as expired events overlapping both stored and collected events. These are updated through the notifyType
field, as per the following table:
Event Type | Description |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_IN_STORE_UPCOMING_EXPIRED | This trigger occurs 24 hours before expiration. |
FOR_MERCHANT_STORE_IN_STORE_EXPIRED | This event triggers when the shipment has expired and is able to be removed from the locker by a courier or operator. |
Below is a sample webhook response that alfred24 will send on event trigger for PARCEL_STATUS_UPDATE.
serviceType | string Available service types include "DELIVERY and SEND/RETURNS". |
trackingNumber | string Unique identifer; 8-40 capital letters or numbers only. |
additionalTrackingNumber | string For carriers with multiple shipment identifiers. |
referenceNumber | string Additional identifier for reference. |
locationId | string Unique identifier of alfred24 location. |
accessCode | string PIN code for customer to access locker. If null system will generate. |
recipientPhone | string Recipient phone number |
recipientEmail | string Recipient email address |
recipientAddress | string Recipient mailing address |
recipientName | string Recipient name |
recipientId | string The recipient's identifier if anonynimity is to be preserved. |
note | string Any miscellaneous remarks |
charge | integer <int32> COD charges |
status | string Status as it appears to the customer |
statusTime | string Time at which the status was last updated |
statusTimestamp | integer Time at which the status was last updated in timestamp format |
overdueTimestamp | integer Time at which the shipment will be deemed overdue in timestamp format |
weight | number Weight of shipment |
length | string length of shipment |
width | string Width of shipment |
height | string Height of shipment |
senderPhone | string Sender phone number |
senderEmail | string Sender email address |
senderAddress | string Sender mailing address |
expressNumber | string Alternate shipment identifier for those using legacy systems |
locationName | string Name of alfred24 location |
compartmentId | string The unique identifier of a specific compartment |
compartmentNumber | string The compartment number as shown to the customer |
event | string The event which has triggered the webhook update |
notifyType | string Additonal triggers which may overlap multiple events, e.g. expired events may overlap stored and collected events |
operator | string The company to which this shipment belongs to |
shipmentType | string Whether the shipment has been generated at delivery or prior to delivery. |
orderFlag | Array of strings Any markings applied to the shipment which affects operations |
{- "serviceType": "delivery",
- "trackingNumber": "CLP0007770000",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "CLP0007770000",
- "referenceNumber": "",
- "locationId": "ALF001",
- "accessCode": "77788899",
- "recipientPhone": "536908434",
- "recipientEmail": "",
- "recipientAddress": "MyRecipientAddress",
- "recipientName": "John Smith",
- "recipientId": "user12345",
- "note": "Thank you for using alfred24",
- "charge": "0",
- "shipmentType": "announced",
- "status": "FINISHED",
- "statusTime": "2019-08-01T10:00:00Z",
- "statusTimestamp": "1573648442070",
- "overdueTimestamp": "1573648442070",
- "weight": "2.25 kg",
- "senderPhone": "536908507",
- "senderEmail": "",
- "senderAddress": "MySenderAddress",
- "locationName": "alfred24 locker 200",
- "compartmentId": "57aa117b-c2d4-46c6-a598-d007a629116c",
- "compartmentNumber": "E11",
- "operator": "CourierCompany1",
- "orderFlag": [
- "Test order",
- "overweight"
{ "status": "success" }
Below is a sample webhook response that alfred24 will send on event trigger for PARCEL_OPERATION_ISSUE.
serviceType | string Available service types; DELIVERY || SEND/RETURNS. |
trackingNumber | string The tracking number of the shipment. |
additionalTrackingNumber | string For carriers with multiple shipment identifiers. |
referenceNumber | string Additional identifier for reference. |
locationId | string Unique identifier of location. |
recipientPhone | string Recipient phone number |
recipientEmail | string Recipient email address |
status | string The status of the shipment |
statusTime | string The time at which the operation issue occurred |
senderPhone | string The sender's phone number |
senderEmail | string The sender's email address |
locationName | string The name of the location the shipment was to be sent to |
compartmentId | string The unique identifier of the compartment in which the issue occurred |
compartmentNumber | string The local locker number of the compartment in which the issue occurred |
actor | string courier || customer |
source | string Where the issue occurred; locker || point |
{- "serviceType": "delivery",
- "trackingNumber": "CLP0007770000",
- "additionalTrackingNumber": "CLP0007770000",
- "referenceNumber": "",
- "locationId": "ALF001",
- "recipientPhone": "536908434",
- "recipientEmail": "recipient@domain.tld",
- "status": "FINISHED",
- "statusTime": "2019-08-01T10:00:00Z",
- "senderPhone": "536908507",
- "senderEmail": "sender@domain.tld",
- "locationName": "alfred24 Test 1",
- "compartmentId": "57aa117b-c2d4-46c6-a598-d007a629116c",
- "compartmentNumber": "E11",
- "actor": "courier",
- "source": "locker"
{ "status": "success" }
Below is a sample webhook response that alfred24 will send on event trigger for COMPARTMENT_ISSUE.
locationId | string Unique identifier of location |
compartmentId | string The unique identifier of the compartment with an issue |
timestamp | string The timestamp at which the issue is reported (ms) |
compartmentNumber | string The local locker number of the compartment in which the issue occurred |
compartmentStatus | string The status update which triggered the webhook; AVAILABLE || DIRTY || LOCKED || CANNOT OPEN |
{- "locationId": "ALF001",
- "compartmentId": "57aa117b-c2d4-46c6-a598-d007a629116c",
- "timestamp": 1629190909585,
- "compartmentNumber": "E11",
- "compartmentStatus": "DIRTY"
{ "status": "success" }
Below is a sample webhook response that alfred24 will send on event trigger for COMPARTMENT_ISSUE.
locationId | string Unique identifier of location |
timestamp | string The timestamp at which the issue occurred (ms) |
alertDetails | string A description of what the alert means |
alertStatus | string OPEN || CLOSE |
{- "locationId": "ALF001",
- "timestamp": 1629190909585,
- "alert": "DISK_USAGE_ALERT",
- "alertDetails": "Disk utilisation 100%",
- "alertStatus": "OPEN"
{ "status": "success" }